google app engine

Google Container Engine(GKE) 용어 정리

Superkill 2017. 8. 19. 00:46

Container Engine

Container Cluster

- A group of Compute Engine instances running Kubernetes

- Consists of one or more node instance

- Managed Kubernetes master endpoint

- The foundation of a Container Engine application

: pods, services, and replication controllers all run on top of a cluster

Node (Instance)

- Each node runs the Docker runtime and hosts a Kubelet agent, which manages the Docker containers sheduled on the host.

- Each node also runs a simple network proxy

- Free-Trial의 경우 f1-micro VM Instance로 Cluster에 0~5개의 노드까지 Basic Cluster 요금제에 해당되어 무료이며 5개를 초과할 경우 Standard Cluster 요금제에 해당되어 비용이 발생한다.

Node Pool

- A subset of machines within a cluster that all have the same configuration

- Container Cluster에 속한 모든 Node들은 동일하지만 node pool을 사용하면 하나의 클러스터 안에 다른 환경설정을 가진 pool들을 만들 수 있다.

- You can also run multiple Kubernets node versions on each node pool in your cluster, update each node pool independently, and target different nod pools for specific deployments.

Compute Engine

Compute Engine

- lets you create and run virtual machines on Google Infrastructure.

Virtual Machine instance ( 아마도 = Compute Engine Instance)

- An instance is a virtual machine(VM) hosted on Google's infrastructure.